What We Do and How to Help
What we do to support local events and candidates
Cash donations: Each year we make a cash donation to the Colchester July 4th Parade and celebration. Our limited funds also go to local candidates in need of financial support for their campaigns and other community causes.
Candidate Support: We actively recruit candidates for local and state elections, providing them with the information they need when considering a run for office.
Serving on local non-partisan boards and commissions is a great way to find out if you are really interested in that kind of public service. We can help you get started on this important path to assisting the Town of Colchester.
The Colchester Democrats submit nominations for Justices of the Peace (JP). JP's assist the Town by fulfilling the following responsibilities:
Helping with elections - Setup the booths, greet voters, manage the checklist, etc.
Hearing Tax Abatement appeals - As Board of Civil Authority (BCA) members JPs hear and decide on tax abatement requests.
Tax Appeals - If a property owner is not satisfied with their property assessment, they can appeal to the Board of Listers. If they are not happy with the decision by the Listers, they can appeal to the BCA. As a member of the BCA Justices of Peace hear and decide on those appeals.
Performing Marriages: If a JP choses to do so, they can perform marriages.
Notarizing documents: A JP has the opportunity to be a Notary Public and notarize documents. This requires attending some training events.
Candidates for State Representative or State Senate can also receive support from the Colchester Democrats in the following form:
Donations to their campaign
Assistance in organizing and putting on events
Distribution of Yard Signs
Support while knocking on doors
Delegates to other Democratic Organizations: Member of the Colchester Democratic Party can also be delegates to the Chittenden County Democrats and representatives to the State Democratic Convention. There is also the opportunity to be a delegate to the National Democratic Convention.
How you can help
There is a wide variety of ways you can help support the ideals of the Democratic Party in Colchester and Vermont. Some require a lot of time and commitment, but others are occasional. All are appreciated. Here are few ways to help:
March in the July 4th parade. It's fun and easy. Just join us at the start or along the way. Bring your friends and family. Show off your patriotic costume and join the fun.
Assist in an event by spreading the word or providing snacks.
Come to our meetings and contribute your thoughts and ideas.
Contribute FaceBook postings
Help design website pages, handouts, stickers and posters.
Run for office
Make a donation by going to this site's Home page and clicking on the Donation button.
Encourage your friends to register to vote!