Justice of the Peace
Many people choose this position as a way to get started in local politics. In Colchester there is very little, if any, campaigning involved. You do not have to collect signatures. The responsibilities are varied and flexible. There are 15 Justices of the Peace in Colchester so the weight of office is well shared.
What does a Justice of the Peace (JP) do?
Performs marriages - You can opt out of this portion of the job if you like. But for many people this is the only reason they run for the position.
Notarize documents - A Justice of the Peace can choose to be a notary and be listed as such with the Town Clerk.
Help with elections - Taking part in elections can be fun. Setting up the polling stations, checking voters off the lists when they come in, answering questions, counting ballots and anything else the Town Clerk requires. Elections can be exciting and helping out is a good way to get to know the other JPs and the town officials.
Board of Civil Authority - As a JP you are automatically on the Colchester Board of Civil Authority (BCA). The BCA has several responsibilities:
Tax Abatement: If a property tax payer's house burns down half way through the tax year, s/he may appeal to the BCA to have the tax bill reduced due to the reduction in property value. That an example of a tax abatement that the BCA might handle. BCA members are not required to take part in all Tax Abatement hearing, but a quorum is required. This hearing take place once a year.
Tax Assessment Disputes: If a tax payer feels that his or her taxes are unfair s/he can appeal to the Board of Listers. If the tax payer disagrees with the finding by the Board of Listers then an appeal can be made to the BCA. Three members of the BCA then visit the property and report back to the BCA, which decides if the assessed value should be adjusted. If the tax payer again disagrees, s/he takes it to the courts. BCA members are not required to take part in all Tax Assessment disputes. Tax Assessment disputes are not frequent, maybe two or three times a year, unless there is a town-wide reassessment, in which case the load can be heavy and stressful.
Reapportionment: After each ten-year census the BCA adjusts the boundaries of the two voting districts in Colchester such that their populations are equal.
How to become a Justice of the Peace
JPs are nominated by political parties. The political parties holds a meeting (caucus) before the election and select up to 15 members to be included on the ballot. JPs are elected every two years for two-year terms. Voters will select up to 15 names for the position of JP. To get your name on the ballot as a candidate for JP contact the local political party and make your wishes known. See the 'Contacts' link in the sidebar for how to contact the Democratic Party.